Wouldn't you just love to win

every bet?


Of course that is everyone's dream -- no doubt it's yours too!

Well, I cannot promise exactly that. 


But how about for every two bets you have, you are guaranteed one will win your profit target? 




And I'll bet that's probably better than what you're experiencing now, in most cases.

Now this is not a totally new concept. It has been round before.

But certainly not with the unique software tool like this one, to help you build your profits.

A couple of clicks and the bets are automatically calculated for you, wins and losses recorded, and you can even reload and continue from where you left off the day before.

See the software in live action. (Watch the video)

Below is the Software Interface

Ok, looking at the software, you can see the two Panels -- Backing at the top, and Laying at the bottom.

These two sections work in harmony. A win in either the back or lay bets is reflected in the other Panel.


"Why is that so?" (Julius Sumner Millar)

Because we are betting in the same event on the same, team, horse, dog or player, that is why.


"What's the point?" you ask

Good question. "I will at best break even but most likely make a loss,"  I hear you saying.

If only betting on the one single event you are dead right --  spot on, no argument from me.

But in this software lies a winning strategy to make your betting profitable, regardless of whether your selection wins or loses . And they all have to do one or the other, don't they? 

NO, you won't make millions while you sleep. It's not a bot.

But you will accumulate profits, and that my friend (or soon to be), is the name of the game.


"OK. So how are we going to make a PROFIT, with this software?"

You'll notice it has enough boxes for 5 bets (events in each)

As we are backing both sides of the coin so to speak, that represents a 5 bet sequence.

We Back with a bookmaker. We Lay with a betting exchange. (Reasons are explained in the User Guide that you can download further on)


Let's take it step by step:

We need our Back bets to be  successful only once in 5 bets, to make this approach work, and we need our Lay bets to be successful at least once in 5 bets, again to show the PROFIT.

Remembering at least one of our bets wins every time, we don't want any of them to run to 5 in a row. Not a regular occurrence but it can happen.

To help minimise the chances of that happening we have two Risk Management eManuals on this, that are included with the software. One for Backing; one for Laying.

And to further reduce losses we are only going to bet events -- dogs or horses and or players -- that are priced between 1.80 and 3.0. In this way our Lay liabilities are more tightly controlled.

The laws of gambling say that around 33% of horses that are favoured win, and if we are looking at the 1.80 to 3.00 prices, our chances for Backing profits are higher. And we have a better chance (around 67%) with the Lay bets.  Sounding better?


You will realise what this amazing software can do for you, perhaps even running in the

 background, even whilst you use your 'normal' betting strategies as well.



PLUS MORE (our steak knife offer... but there is more...)

You will also get these two eManuals, valued at £39.94 included at NO CHARGE!!


Risk Management For Laying.

For Horse Racing Only

PDF Format. 28 pages

You get this manual when you purchase the software (sorry it is not free, we can not give away the farm here :-) ) Valued at £19.97


Contents include:

  1. Laying strategies for both Australian and UK racing.
  2. Laying UK races, looking for negative factors.
  3. Backing Australian races, looking for negative factors.
  4. Track selections.
  5. UK Race track statistics.
  6. Australian Race track statistics. And favourite strike rates.
  7. Favourites strike rates in NZ.
  8. The final word


Risk Management For Backing.

For Horse Racing Only

PDF Format. 25pages

You get this manual when you purchase the software (sorry it is not free, we can not give away the farm here :-) ) Valued at £19.97

Contents include:

  1. Backing strategies for both Australian and UK racing.
  2. Backing UK races, looking for positive factors.
  3. Backing Australian races, looking for positive factors.
  4. Track selections.
  5. UK Race track statistics.
  6. Australian Race track statistics. And favourite strike rates.
  7. Favourites strike rates in NZ.
  8. The final word




You get the software, and the two Risk Management eManuals.



This is the software for PCs and Laptops,

Windows operating computers.

Early Bird Special first 55 copies.


Save £30.00




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Or in Aussie Dollars


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Now $79.97

Click Here To Download Now




If you don't accept this offer where will you be with your punting in a month from now?



Steve Davidson © 2014-25

Refund Policy

We, as a merchant, provide both products (goods) and services (information) to our customers.

Unlike companies that provide a tangible product that can be returned for a refund, our product is information. It can be used immediately upon viewing, and there is no product to return. Once a service has commenced, there can be no refund. Our services are the absolute best we can make them. Just as with the Stock Market, our customers must recognize that the information cannot be guaranteed, and that past performance is not a promise of future results. What is guaranteed is that each and every customer will receive the service that was purchased in full.

If merchandise or products are ordered through a Direct Mail advertisement or via the Internet, the guarantee, if any, is included in the mailing, promotion or service description. Our advertising will also include the terms and conditions for refunds on any books, publications and/or systems purchased.


Steve Davidson